Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Opinion: This election is crazy, how is it that back in the 40's, 50's, and 60's we were so far seeing about what the future was going to be? And now that we are living in that time, the biggest technological achievements have been medical and cell phones. There aren't floating cities in space, or cities on the moon. We are having war over religion or oil, or whatever it is about. The future of yesteryear was so hopeful. There was hope for a unified world, bent on exploration and innovation. But now we have nationalists and patriots killing each other because they do not live on the same piece of land! And we are currently trying to elect a leader that nobody actually wants. How are supposed to move toward a peaceful world, when we keep separating ourselves from the world culture? We live on the same god damn planet, and we might be all that we have in the universe. How can we not love each other and help one another?

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